The Community
of the Way

A new missional community in West Wales

Our Why

We have four passions:

The first is a passion for Jesus, never leaving us, always loving us;

The second is our passion for people, particularly those on the margins, those that are rejected, not quite respectable, who don’t fit in, those who are often dismissed – to see them reach their full potential, and be completely welcome round our the table;

Our third passion is for the outdoors, particularly the mountains and the sea – We have a deep longing to be on the sea, to feel the spray on our faces, and to see others experience that too;

The fourth is related, and that is a deep concern for nature and the environment, to truly understand a place by getting really close to it and to stay with it.

Our What

We are a monastic community, which simply means we believe that God is encountered in all the messiness of lives shared together in community. A community that is dedicated to prayer, worship and living a simple life as disciples of Jesus inspired by the ancient wisdom of the guidelines for community life St Benedict. And the YWAM imperative to be equipped to live like Jesus, and so transform communities and the nations. We are a community which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.

Our How

The community house in Llansteffan

St Ystyffan’s Priory in Llansteffan is the mother house of our community. There is a small group of community members living in Llansteffan, using St Ystyffan’s church for the daily work of prayer. And creating a place of stability and sanctuary.

A dispersed community

We are also a dispersed community of members who do not live in a community house but do live close enough to be able to meet together regularly for prayer, fellowship and study. We also welcome others who just want to connect with us occasionally for gatherings, outreach projects, prayer and study

Mercy ministry and outreach

The main focus of our other work is making friends with the street community in Carmarthen. And helping in what ever way we can, whether that is just enjoying coffee or lunch with someone, or buying someone a pair of shoes. We hope that this work will be able to expand in the future to make a real impact.


We run a program of training for new community members both those who want to live with us and our dispersed community. We also occasionally have ad-hoc study days that are open to anyone